Women’s AikidoWomen’s Aikido


Aikido which is the Far Eastern martial art is a martial art used by directing the incoming energy. More than just a martial art, Aikido carries a deep philosophy beyond martial art. In addition to learning to defend oneself, the main purpose is to harmonize our soul with the universe. The philosophy of Aikido, which covers all humanity, aims to be in harmony with nature and everything around us.

Although it requires physical discipline, Aikido, which also trains your soul, is a martial art that is followed with interest by women. Primarily, the art of Aikido, which includes the steps of self-knowledge and self-transcendence, involves women learning self-defense techniques but not wanting to use these techniques. This is how the path of love in which Aikido takes place is formed. Aikido is a martial art that anyone can try, regardless of gender. It is one of the martial arts that every woman who wants to learn to defend herself should do.

• Aikido helps to create more physical self-confidence and situational awareness in women.
• It provides a better posture by strengthening the muscles that affect the posture.
• Teaches physical defense techniques and choosing not to harm the attacker.
• Aikido accompanies one's own journey.

You can also contact us to be among the many women students in our Aikido Istanbul school.

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